June 21, 1998

Welcome to the very first edition of our weekly newsletter with yet another egregiously horrific LA-ME crossover name. Edit me before I strike again.

A picture and a paragraph a week slapped up on the web. This will overcome my guilt for becoming a non-letter writer, right?

It seems like I see the best stuff when I'm out riding my bike in the hinterland. Now here's an idea: Compost your car! That old buggy too expensive to repair? Toss it on the compost heap. It breaks down into thousands of Geo Metros (car spores).
Guests at the Heron this week include David the steam train repair guy. Seems the Spirit of Unity is seriously ill and David from Connecticut is of the the few steam locomotive specialists left around.

Reading: Melissa is working her way through the Animorphs series. I've just bought my first Phillip K. Dick novel, and didn't it just take me a while to buy a book by a guy named Dick. He is one of the originators of the tech noir novel which is my preferred genre. Besides, after I read it I will be entitled to use the adjective phildickian with some authority.

The Infrastructure Report: Road crews are busily working on the 3 mile stretch between the Heron in town and our fire road at the lake, building a bike lane, also known in some circles as a break-down lane. This will let us zip between the two places on bikes without risking our lives on the busy road.