plague notes

March 26 , 2020

Normal life has been replaced by new routines and a lot of strict rules. For a while I mourned the loss of lattes in coffee shops and visits with friends. I noted the daily report of restaurants and stores and movie theaters closing. Now we have settled into it. Spring is coming on in Maine; the light is back and there are good places to walk.The lake is still frozen and we got 5 inches of snow yesterday but we can feel spring. Every other day I go to the post office and to the thrift store. I bring the bags in from the donation shed and date tag them. I plan to let them sit several days before opening them up. It's good to have a place to work alone and be productive. We were really cranking on the store before this hit.

Melissa and I think we may have already had the covid virus. We had colds in December that were like no cold I've had before, with a lot of chest congestion and shortness of breath. There are no tests for having antibodies so who knows.