fluffy stuff

Nov 19 , 2020

Birches on campus What if mushrooms are an alien life form trying to communicate using intricate tissue arrangements and color gradations? Harvey Milkweek






hallelujah sort of

Nov 11 , 2020

It was great to see dancing in the streets and feel huge relief as Biden won the election. It was a big win, 306 electoral votes and a margin of 5 million popular votes. It is still a good feeling, but now it is edged by the fear of what the monster will smash and burn on his way out. Nothing will stop Biden from being inaugurated on January 20, but it is still an anxious time.

I just went down to the thrift shop to post signs that we will not be reopening until the covid numbers are better. Right now Maine has the highest transmission rate in the country. Too bad, the shop is packed with winter coats and sweaters, games, puzzles, books, kitchen gear, all manner of stuff. The volunteers do an amazing job. They all have way better skills at displaying product than I do. Linda was reorganizing housewares just now and Elizabeth was sorting and finding hand knit treasures. They are also better than I am at moving things along to Good Will and recycling. I'm thinking that on sunny days we can put racks and bins outside with everything priced in dollar amounts and have a secure bin for people to drop payments. How do I know that we can figure out the secure money box thing? Well, the other night I dreamed I was given a computer class assignment to build a lincoln log house with an algorithm using recursion. In the dream I started right in on it. Recursion always has to have a stopping condition which could be level=0. So a function might be placeLog(level). The function looks around for any side below level and puts the next log there. So a call like placeLog(10) would build a log house 10 logs high.