days years lessons

January 18 , 2021


Things I've done this month: developed and gotten over a nervous habit of holding my breath and letting it out in little staccato puffs; read the Fareed Zakaria book searching for the biggest thirty thousand foot picture that includes everything in a neat map of this crazy political and pandemic time; emailed groups of Unity voters to see what our actual support is for approving appropriation of TIF funds for a library startup; assembled eight pieces of furniture for the AirBnbs; eaten too many times at Five Guys; learned an Al Wood arrangement of "Hail to the Chief" in time for Inauguration Day; done five jigsaw puzzles; put up three new calendar posters and one old one (nikki schumann 1999); video chatted with my sisters twice a week; took pictures of stacks of old ledgers in a storage room while waiting for the selectmen to tell me they didn't like the library idea.