
January 26 , 2022

The interwebs know that I like chairs and it shows me lots. I have bought three so far for the library at an average price of $43. The one on the left is sturdy and oversized. On the right is the slightly wobbly one, but I think I can get its parts reglued. I couldn't resist its barley twist style. The chair I bought from Ellie's shop only cost $20. It is very solid and the nicely grained wood has a good feel to it. I just ordered a flash counter height chair in yellow for the computer station in the utility area.

We are having a very cold winter with temps often below zero in the morning. But a lot of sunny, bright days too. On Saturday it was a balmy 28 degrees when I walked on the lake which has 14 inches of ice I am told by neighbors. The library has been quietly open three days a week since Jan 13 (one day before Whitefield opened, just a coincidence really). Just a few people each day, more on Saturday. All the bookcases for the children's room have been ordered, but there is a long wait for delivery. Udemy is available for our patrons and that has attracted some interest. Small steps forward each day.

I am surprised that I remember the code so well for the system I wrote for the Ombudsman folks in 2015. A young computer science graduate named Sergio in California is taking over the care and upkeep of the system. We can look at the code together online and I can explain to him how to make changes. The system lives on a virtual server in Georgia.

I have worn this plaid shirt jacket thing almost every day since I bought it on sale at Reny's some days ago. It is warm and cosy. However it is plaid and I am not a plaid person. I am to this plaid garment as my sister Claudia is to covid vaccinations. Because it has the personal benefit of keeping me safe in winter, I will wear it a lot. In spring I may deny ever owning it and return to my ideological stance against plaid.
