, 2023>
Our new porch windows got installed in the middle of snow storms. They are pretty spiffy and keep the cold out better. The high windows with the insulator collection got cleaned for the first time in its life. That ice & snow shelf on the roof came down and took that heat pump right off the wall. Waiting for a better installation on that.
I'm spending a lot of time on end of year reports for the state and the town, on trying to get the application in to the resilience partnership thing, on ordering the car chargers, doing social media for library events, doing interlibrary loan stuff.
Markers: Bengals & Chiefs; brilliant women on pain meds;
, 2023>
I called a snow day today because I could. I wait to see if other libraries are calling it. Even the tinest break from routine feels good.
The activities go on. Working on the annual report, I counted up more than 80 activities at the library and we really didn't start those until April. Here a kid named Cedar is teaching other to make paper airplanes. Later they tested them out in the main reading room. Chaotic and fun. We are not a shushy library.
Unity's budget committee met on Wednesday night at the WiFi-free, just barely plowed, middle of dark nowhere Snomobile Club. The library's request made it on to the warrant because the selectmen supported the amount we asked for (a dollar per resident). Three people voted against it: the curmudgeon, the evangelical, and the libertarian. Still, there is such a contrast between the support we have now and the way it was two years ago when we started. I am ordering books almost every day from amazon and thriftbooks. When people put in interlibrary loan requests and I think we should have the book, I buy it instead, especially if I can get it for about five dollars from thriftbooks.That is almost the postage to return it to the lender library. The various systems are confusing; I told the board I would write an explanation of the differences among Minerva, Ursus, MaineCat, MILS, and such.