July 5, 1998

Jean Cubed. After the first day I worked here I bought a headset, a big one where the earpieces cover up your ears. I figured I'd need it to shut out the sound of other people's conversations and the sound of the grad student who slurps his coffee in the next cubicle. After a few days, I found I didn't need it; I could track the activity in the hive and still do my work. Yup, it's a big hive, and I'm always aware of The State of the Hive, like it's a big brain with different wave patterns: the hum of ordinary productivity; the flurry of activity when some system goes down; the hot zone where two people are disagreeing. The director is thinking about rearranging the floor plan; I was asked if I wanted to be on the committee to redesign the room. So I told them about how we need a big nerf ball and flipper things attached to our cubicles and springs under the floor so we could tilt...because we're a big pin ball machine. Hmmm, it appears I'm not going to be on that committee after all.
A perk of working at the University is two free courses a year. Starting in September, I'll take a year long course in Networks. Gotta learn how all those magic wires hook together. As an independent goal, I want to learn how to use embedded SQL in C scripts as a way of using the web to talk to Oracle databases. Fortunately there are lots of expert, friendly people in the hive to help me learn stuff.

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